Girl Is Ashamed of ‘Dirty’ Dad Who Works as Coal Miner, Cries as He Takes Mic at Her Graduation

A coal miner’s daughter forbids him from attending her graduation party because she thinks he’s ‘dirty.’ He still attends and addresses her on the mic, revealing something that makes her cry and regret everything she told him.

“Okay, I’ll call you later…dad’s come,” 18-year-old Sabrina hung up on her friend as soon as she heard her dad Pete, a coal miner, park his van in the garage.

She kept switching channels on the TV, trying to escape Pete’s attention. She was hoping he wouldn’t ask her about her upcoming graduation that was scheduled in two days.

Sabrina didn’t want Pete to attend because she was ashamed of his appearance. She feared her dad would amass negative attention for looking ‘dirty’ and smelling of coal and sweat…

“Hey, sweetheart! Look what I got for you,” Pete said as he entered, sounding happy.

Sabrina was surprised but held herself back. Not that she didn’t like surprises, but she hated seeing her dad’s blackened face and hands. She never allowed him to touch any of her things and dirty them.

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