Mom Accidentally Feeds Her Kids Zombies Skittles For A Month Before Realizing What They Actually Are

Imagine being a mom and making your kids eat something that tastes like rotten flesh for over a month. Well, this epic ‘mom fail’ happened with Emily who took to social media to share the blunder, and the internet couldn’t help but react hilariously to the incident.

Growing up we all have seen the phase where our parents made us eat things that we never truly liked but since it was good for our health, we were compelled to eat it with no complaints. But that is the thing when we used to tell them that it does not taste good, they won’t really believe us and used to think we are lying.

Unsplash | Jonathan J. CastellonWhatever the case may be, moms and dads don’t necessarily believe everything their children say when they don’t want to do something, especially when it comes to food.This mom recently learned that one particular snack that she was giving to her kids was so wrong and how she never believed them when they told her it tastes horrible.

Mom Emily Massingill shared her story on Facebook of a hilarious mix-up that involved some Halloween-themed candy and her two kids. Now, when you think about it, what kid wouldn’t want some candy, right?


“Zombie Skittles” have a horrible taste inside

And to be frank, who does not love Skittles? But it seems like this one purchase of a specific Skittles flavor was not really a good idea because of its super weird taste.

Zombie Skittles are a special edition Skittles flavor that is usually released around Halloween

The Zombie Skittles apparently have some nasty flavors inside of the bag. They’re almost like Harry Potter-themed jelly beans.

Her post went viral overnight with people rushing to the comments section to react to the hilarious incident

According to Mars Wrigley, the company that makes Skittles, these Skittles come in a gray package (instead of the usual red one) and contain the regular fruit flavors, plus one “zombie” Skittle. The hidden zombie Skittle tastes like “rotten zombie,”

Facebook l Emily MassingillThe best part? you will not know which one is the rotten one until you bite into it.

Reviewers online have confirmed that these zombie Skittles taste as horrible as they sound.“Great if you never want to eat Skittles again,” said one Amazon review.

That being said, some do enjoy playing this candy version of roulette:

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